Top Tips For Traveling With Your Diamond Jewelry
If you’re contemplating traveling abroad with your diamond jewelry, it is important to keep your jewelry safe at all times. No matter where you plan to spend your vacation, there is always a chance that you might lose your jewelry.
Diamonds are an investment – an exquisite one. Aside from their cost, diamond jewelry has a high emotional and sentimental value as well. Therefore, you need to make concerted efforts to ensure your jewelry stays intact while travelling.
What you should do before you travel
Insurance: Check your diamond jewelry insurance coverage before leaving. Is it still applicable? If it has expired, get it renewed immediately. Will it still apply if you take your diamond jewelry out of country? If not, apply for an additional insurance plan.
Insurance is the best cover against diamond jewelry theft, damage or loss. Remember to carry a copy of the insurance policy if you are traveling abroad. You might need it when going through customs.
Photos: Take photos of your diamond jewelry. This will help in case you ever have to identify your diamond jewelry. Another effective tip is to bring the receipt with you.
List: Make a list of all your jewelry items you are taking along. Keep an extra copy in case you lose the original list. This will help you keep track of all your items.
Other factors to consider
- Pack what you need: Pack only what you need. Avoid bringing everything you own. You won’t even wear them. It is better to bring delicate, daily wear items, such as studs, rings, etc.
- Store wisely: Keep your diamond jewelry with yourself. Don’t place the jewelry box in checked luggage because it might get damaged or stolen. Put it in your hand-carry. Always keep an eye on it, especially when it goes through security. In order to prevent diamond jewelry from tangling, pack each item in small bags separately.
- On board: When you are on the plane, keep the bag under your seat. Make sure it is in front of you.
- Wear it or store it: Don’t leave your diamond jewelry lying around in your hotel room. Either wear it or keep it a locked closet.
These are some easy tips to keep your diamond jewelry secure on vacation.
For more information on diamonds, including buying and selling of diamonds, jewelry appraisals, and more, speak with our certified diamond and jewelry professionals.